For those wanting to develop or deepen their relationship with Tobacco, I am holding ceremonies at Ourimbah on the Central Coast - an hour from Sydney. These ceremonies are kept small and intimate, and places are limited to 3 people to ensure everyone has their own space to sit with the medicine during the night.
Tobacco is considered a master teacher plant, and the Amazonian tobacco Nicotina Rustica (often called Mapacho or Sacred Tobacco) is a stronger version of the tobacco we usually see in the west. It is strong and direct and has powerful healing qualities offering deep cleansing, grounding and clarity to the individual.
In traditions around the world, it's smoke is used as a way to clear, protect and carry intention. In ceremonies it is drunk as a strong brew, insufflated or used as a tobacco snuff (rapéh/hapeh). This medicine is not psychedelic and it primarily works in three ways: it deeply cleans the body of toxins, it powerfully clears negative energy and false beliefs, and it communicates via the intuitive/dreaming space.
When we open an intentional relationship with tobacco and drink it, it cleans us deeply and carries both the shaman's and our intentions for healing into our being, our body, our psyche.
Information from other sources: a summary of how Tobacco is used in the Amazonian traditions here and another good article is here.
I open ceremony and prepare the medicine for drinking and insufflation by the participants. I then work on the participants using a chakapa (leaf rattle), icaro (medicine song) and tobacco smoke to clear negative energies. I also do some energy work to help clear and open the energetic channels and to help the tobacco work more deeply, along with a blessing for the participant's request, and a short sound healing with crystal bowls to help with integration. Participants then retire to their beds to commune with the medicine.
Included are two short one on one consultations - one before the ceremony, and one the next morning. The first is to discuss what has been coming up, what you intentions are, and to answer any questions you may have. The second is to discuss your experience - your dreams and insights from the communications with Mapacho. Breakfast will be provided the next morning to help ground and rejuvenate.
The location is La Tierra Curativa, my home in Ourimbah on the Central Coast. This is an acreage situated in a lush valley with birds, native animals and farm animals. The cost is $444 for one night or $777 for two nights (contact me to see if two nights are available in conjunction with listsed dates below). This sounds like a lot of money for drinking tobacco and purging, but the resulting healing is profound, and stronger than anything else I've encountered. Contact me directly if you'd like to pay in cash, or to split the price into part payments (a 50% deposit and the rest payable on the day).
You can also book your own private session for $700 for one night - this gives a lot more personalised support and teachings, and you have the ceremony space to yourself.
I started working with Mapacho in April 2017. After receiving guidance from the spirit of Mapacho, I travelled to Peru for many months to work deeply with tobacco and different trees, undergoing deep healing and communion with these medicines. After completing my tobacco initiation for my Maestria of Tobacco, I finished training as a Tabaquero Curandero (tobacco shaman and healer). Previously to this, I had worked with other plant medicines for some years, and have also trained in various energy healing systems such as Reiki and Ashati, and am a trained psychotherapist.
• Saturday, 1st of February - purchase tickets
• Saturday, 29th of March - purchase tickets
You can also contact me to be added to the mailing list for future events.
Unfortunately there isn't a lot of information available because the true use of tobacco isn't well known in the West. There is also a strong correlation between the use of cigarettes and cancer as there are many known carcinogens that are added to commerically produced tobacco and cigarettes.
It was mentioned briefly on an Aubruy Marcus podcast episode, and I've spoken about it on the Turns Out She's a Witch podcast. As science catches up with indigenous wisdom, we are starting to see more scientific research on the benefits of nicotine:
Helps fight covid and long covid - and
Improves attention, working memory, fine motor skills and episodic memory -
Possible treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia -
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to participate?
Yes, you must be 18 years of age or older.
Can anyone drink tobacco?
No, there are contraindications for those with high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease. I will screen all participants to ensure it is safe for you to drink.
What will I experience after drinking?
The taste and smell of tobacco is quite intense and spicy. You will feel incredibly grounded and present in the physical body, and you will also likely feel some nausea. You will then feel the energy of tobacco moving powerfully through your body, clearing blockages as it heals on both a physical and energetic level. Tobacco is a stimulant and your mind will be very active and full of energy. The spirit of tobacco may communicate with you via intuition (internal dreamlike visions, a soft voice, a knowing, etc.) and dreams.
Will I purge?
Tobacco is a purgative, and it's possible that you will purge, however this is part of the healing process. The purging is both on a physical level to remove toxins, but more so on an energetic level to release negative energy (traumas, patterns and programming) that no longer serves us. Some purge right after drinking, some later in the night, and many don't purge at all - whatever happens is exactly what is required.
Heart health
Due to the potential risk to the heart, anyone who has had heart/chest pain recently must have an ECG to ensure their heart is healthy enough to drink tobacco. You must also wait 3 weeks after an mRNA vaccination before you can drink tobacco due to an increased risk of cardiac arrest.
A water bottle
Loose, comfortable clothing - I recommend nothing new or white as the medicine can stain
A book or similar to journal in
An intention - what you wish to work on (healing, guidance etc)
Bedding, towels and breakfast will be provided.
There are 3 rooms (2 separated by partitions), and one person can sleep in the ceremony space itself (which is actually the nicest space, but less like your own room). This ensures that each person has their own space to be sit with the medicine, making it a much more immersive and inward-focused experience - critical when doing medicine work!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.