There are many different types of shamanic healing - essentially it's a form of healing that utilises any of the various shamanic techniques such as chanting, drumming, smoke, rattles etc. As a Tabaquero (Tobacco Shaman), I utilise tobacco and a traditional shamanic healing that originated in Peru. This involves opening the space ceremonially, drinking a small dose of the tobacco brew and insufflating the liquid, followed by a smoke clearing (which smells quite nice, unlike cigarettes), a chakapa (leaf rattle) and an icaro (a medicine song, in this case to call forth the spirit of Tobacco). A ceremonial dose can be taken during an overnight ceremony.
As I'm also an energy healer, I work on you energetically while you are sitting with the medicine to help facilitate deep healing. We then discuss what came up during the session, how you can integrate the healing, and how to best move forward on your path.
Please ensure you come fasted (don't eat anything for 4+ hours) as the tobacco brew can cause nausea, and rarely may bring on a may purge. This purge is an energetic clearing, releasing toxic energy (one client described this as purging the venom - in this case from psychic attack). Some people may wish to lie down on the floor for a while as the medicine works. Also ensure you have nothing to do for a few hours after this healing as you will feel a bit altered for some time.
Tobacco has been used across the Americas in indigenous cultures in many ways - smoked, snorted, drunk, even tobacco enemas! But we're told it causes cancer right? Actually that's the hundreds of chemicals added to cigarettes, and you're not supposed to inhale the smoke while smoking tobacco (it's bad for the lungs). Tobacco clears negative energy and grants protection. It gives guidance and the smoke carries our intention. It's incredibly grounding and makes you very present, brings clarity and focus to the mind, while also being energising.
Tobacco is a masculine spirit (often called the Father in the Amazonian traditions, while Ayahuasca is called the Mother), and as such it works directly on energetic issues, pulling out multiple layers out by the roots. It gives practical guidance on questions, and gives energy for forward direction that pushes through resistance. Note that a full tobacco ceremony (overnight) is also available, but this is a good introduction and a gentler way to start working with tobacco.
Entities are [seemingly] autonomous beings that are not of the physical dimension, and can become attached to a person or to a location. What we see as an entity may be a lost soul, a light or dark spirit, a disavowed part of the self, or a representation of a thought-form/belief from yourself or someone else. Tobacco effectively clears and/or integrates entities. Note that very strong entities may require a ceremonial dose, or multiple ceremonies to completely clear.
Tobacco also clears the effect of psychic attack such curses and dark magick, and also grants protection against future attack. This is something that is often not recognised in Western culture where most people focus on the light aspects of spirituality, but these tools are real and powerful, and sometimes such attacks are carried out unconsciously.
A session takes one and a half hours, sometimes a little longer.
It's $180 for the session.
Available at La Tierra Curativa, our beautiful permaculture oasis at 55 Glen Rd, Ourimbah on the Central Coast - only an hour from Sydney.
This particular healing cannot be done via distance, however a Reiki Energy healing can - read about it here.