
Hi Andrew Edmonds here, founder of the Temple of the Soul. The healing services I offer are the very things I've used to heal my own issues and trauma, and to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. I can help you to:

  • Relieve stress, anxiety and depression
  • Address trauma, self-destructive patterns/behaviours, limiting beliefs and cognitive distortions
  • Get unstuck - develop clear goals and formulate a plan and practises to achieve them
  • Increase energy levels and focus your energy
  • Release stuck energy in your chakras and energetic body
  • Learn how to ground and embody your higher self
  • Develop your own healing and psychic abilities with Reiki and Ashati
  • Enhance mood, cognition and optimise hormones
  • Develop resilience and inner strength

Andrew Edmonds

How did I get here? While I was generally active growing up, I was also drawn to science, philosophy and psychology. I had so many questions about how things worked and what was really going on in this life. As I entered into my later teenage years, I "grew up" and was drawn into the "real world" – the pervasive materialistic worldview that we are taught is more important than our own inner world and what we love. I developed my own health issues - depression, anxiety, poor immune function and low energy levels. I didn't feel confident in myself or my abilities and I wanted to hide away and not be noticed. Life seemed bleak and meaningless and I wasted a lot of time with escapist behaviours – watching TV, playing computer games and drinking with friends. I knew something wasn't right.

I looked back to my younger years for clues as to what had changed, what I was missing in later life. I'd stopped meditating, stopped exercising, I was eating poorly, I no longer went out into nature and I'd stopped looking for meaning in life. So I decided to make a change. Even though I had to push myself to do so, I found if I meditated and exercised regularly, I would feel better and have more energy. Martial arts and strength training helped my posture, movement and confidence, and I saw the links between my body and my emotional and mental state. Yoga helped also, teaching me more about posture and alignment, but more importantly how it feels to have correct alignment – to have energy flowing through the body correctly - and how to stay calm and breathe when in a challenging posture or situation.

This led me deeper into the wisdom behind these ancient practises. They all talked of "energy" - be it chi or prana or life-force - which science couldn't fully explain. But I could feel this energy, and knew it was real. So I looked more into mysticism and psychology and how our thoughts, emotions and beliefs affect our physical bodies via our energetic nature. I came across energy healing techniques such as Reiki, Ashati & other modalities, and I also offer Reiki & energy healing courses. I also studied the science of how nutrition and exercise affects our bodies on a physical level, and how quantum physics is now coming to the same conclusions as those in ancient wisdom traditions. I went to Peru and trained in a shamanic tradition working with tobacco and other plant medicines, and now my new plant allies help in my Reiki energy healing work and Shamanic healing, and I hold regular ceremonies with Tobacco.

Alongside the spiritual and physical practises, I deepened my knowledge of the mind, studying psychology and Counselling & Processwork Psychotherapy

I realised the importance of challenging myself - of overcoming resistance to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. Putting all this into practice transformed my life. Now I'm strong in body, mind and spirit, full of energy, confident and able to effectively deal with the stresses in life.

Helping others heal and move towards wellness is now a driving passion.

How I can help you?

Andrew Edmonds