Psychedelic studies and trials show impressive results for many different conditions such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), end of life anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), migraines & cluster headaches, phobias, and more. But how do they help with so many different issues?
Anger gets a negative label in the collective culture, but like any energy, it’s neither good nor bad – what you do with that energy is what matters. Anger arises when we perceive that someone crosses our boundaries or values, or those of someone we love. The good news is you can learn to manage anger with a few different approaches.
Germ theory has become the dominant scientific narrative, explaining that external bacteria and viruses invade the body to cause illness and disease, and the result of this can be seen in the fear and panic currently gripping the world. But there’s another theory called terrain theory that offers us insight into our body’s innate immunity.
Apart from avoidance, our best defense against cold and flu viruses is a strong immune system. Here is a summary of things I've come across when looking to strengthen my own immune system, and how to best support it when sick with a cold or flu.
Prolonged periods of bad posture leads to pain, stiffness and a loss of mobility. Our posture also greatly affects our mental health and body language. The good news is that we can improve posture with a bit of work, eliminating pain and improving both mood and body language.
Sometimes we have the feeling that we’re stuck or blocked in achieving our conscious desires. These blocks are internal resistance that is caused by subconscious patterns or programming. They are egoic constructs that have been in-formed by past experiences such as trauma or conditioning, and while they were created in an attempt to keep us safe, they are out-dated and no longer necessary.
Your health, be it good or bad, affects those around you – your friends, family and the community at large. Maybe it's something to consider and help motivate you to create better health for yourself, for your family and your community.
The ketogenic diet seems to be all the rage right now. Every day there’s some new celebrity crediting it for their dramatic body transformation. Keto is great for weight loss and also a whole lot more - increased energy and focus, as well as anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective benefits.
The placebo effect is well documented in medical literature, having been demonstrated by the use deception, sugar pills and even fake surgical operations. What it really demonstrates is that we all have an incredibly powerful innate ability to heal. The placebo is just the catalyst.
When I started providing PT services a couple of years ago, I found I didn’t quite fit in with the other PTs. My approach was a holistic one that focused on mental and emotional wellness, as well as physical health. As such, my training incorporates traditional strength training with nutrition, yoga, meditation, psychology, tai chi and energy healing.
I wasn’t born able to channel energy, or to heal. I didn’t see spirits or ghosts as a child. Sure, I experienced the occasional psychic phenomena and had some interesting dreams, but I was more or less a normal child. I tried meditation and various exercises to strengthen my psychic senses, and these helped, but it wasn’t until I started doing energy work that things really started to open up.
This is the anti-inflammatory diet I followed to help resolve serious health problems caused by cronic inflammation, including the worst eczema I’ve ever seen. It's based around eating fruits, vegetables, seeds, lentils and healthy oils, and is basically vegan.
I've struggled with eczema for most of my life. Some of my earliest memories are of red, itchy skin; of scratching until I bled, and being fussed over whenever a rash appeared. Recently I had my own health crisis, along with the worst eczema I've ever seen! this is how I got through it, what I learned, and how I returned to health.
Nature's creations don't attach to the past or worry about the future. Her plants and animals live in the present moment - in flow and acting from instinct. So why do we find it so hard when, as a creation of nature, this is our natural state?
A plant diet, or dieta, is about connecting to the energy or spirit of a plant. Different plants have different properties - some help with certain diseases or illnesses, some help to detoxify the body and the organs, some strengthen the mind and body, while others give guidance or visions.
When people ask me why I meditate, I smile and reply “it keeps me sane.” It's the best defensive against my overactive mind and keeps anxiety and depression at bay.
Have you ever wanted something, but then sabotaged yourself trying to get it? We've all been there, countless times. That self-sabotaging aspect is the shadow self - the unconscious fears and beliefs that shape our behaviour. We all have it, and there is something you can do about it.
Physical practices are like a microcosm for our life. Whether it's playing a sport, doing some yoga, going to the gym, or just going for a walk, they teach us the value of discipline and perseverance to reach a goal or obtain to mastery in something. Once we come to realise these lessons in the practice, we can apply them to any area in our life.
There are many studies on the benefits of reiki energy healing, including scientific studies that have been published in PubMed. These studies concluded that energy healing is an effective complementary treatment for a multitude of conditions such as pain relief, stress, anxiety, depression, arthritis and muscle and connective tissue damage. Even cancer and AIDS patients showed improvements in their symptoms!
Injuries suck, and I've had my fair share. Through my own research and experimentation, I've learnt to ignore a lot of the commonly prescribed advice, and instead use various techniques to enable a much recovery faster than I thought possible. Recently I suffered a serious knee injury, and implementing these techniques, I recovered in a fraction of the time I was told it would take.
Being mindful during exercise allows us to access the flow state - increasing performance and enjoyment, as well as boosting the positive effects of exercise on the mind and body.
Mindfulness in exercise is nothing new - yoga and tai chi are mindful practises. All you need to do is focus on the body – how it feels, how it moves and how it breathes. There's no thinking, just being in flow and in the moment.
Fasting has been used in religious and cultural contexts for millennia. So why would you want to go without food and have to deal with gnawing hunger?
Fasting helps you get lean while staying muscular. It also triggers internal clean-up processes to combat disease, fine-tune hormone levels and help to give your digestive system a much needed break.
Men have a biological urge for aggression and competition due to high levels of testosterone and genetic programming. This energy can be channelled constructively into physical activity and self expression, or destructively - inwardly into self destructive behaviour, or outwardly into violence, rape and war.
There are so many benefits of exercise that it's hard to know where to start. For me, improving strength and body composition are the least important. More important is the effect on mood, cognition and energy levels
We are a spark of consciousness housed in a vessel created by the earth - an energetic bridge between Source and Gaia. And while our soul may transcend death, in this incarnation we are bound to a physical body.
De-prioritising that body results in poor health and low energy, meaning you can't maintain the frequency needed to carry out your mission.
Pushing ourselves beyond what we believe to be our limits reveals our true strengths. For us to improve and grow, both physically and mentally, we need to push ourselves beyond what we thought was possible.
On a physical level, pushing ourselves is what forces our bodies to grow and adapt, but the real battle is the mental one.
There's a lot of conflicting information about what comprises a healthy diet. That's why the most important thing is to be mindful of how what you eat makes you feel. Looking at what our ancestors ate provides many clues.
I've spent a lot of time looking over nutrition research and experimenting with it myself, and here's what I've found.